Product quality and safety policy

Only satisfied customers returns to buy again – by regular purchase of our products we ensure long-term survival of MANJO DOO FUTOG, and therefore a stable and existential basis for all employees in the company.
Therefore satisfaction not only demands, but also unpublished users expectations, i.e. quality assurance and product safety – primarily fresh, chilled and frozen fruits and vegetables is a priority obligation for all employees.
The achievement of these goals is achieved by implementing the quality management system and product safety management in accordance with the requirements of the international standard IFS Broker, which includes:

  • Compliance with all relevant regulations regarding business operations
  • A constant desire to discover and meet the demands and expectations of the users in order to satisfy them
  • Product orientation requirements (includes: product safety, quality, legality, processes and specifications)
  • The obligation of the management to determine such business goals that support that definition, and to provide such an internal environment, in which employees can fully participate in the achievement of business goals of the company;
  • Inclusion of all employees in achieving the goals of the company and taking care of their health and safety;
  • Ethics and responsibility of employees
  • Commitment and problem solving, bearing in mind the impact of each activity in a series of processes on the desired results. Understanding and managing activities as processes, because “the chain is as strong as the how much strong is the weakest link in the chain”;
  • Understanding, appreciating and using interconnections of different processes, i.e. systematic approach in more efficient and effective achievement of goals
  • Conscious and continuous work on improving both the safety and quality of products, as well as the environment safety, and improving the overall performance of the organization and sustainable business in the long run
  • Factual decision-making, because quality decisions can only be made on the basis of concrete data and reliable information
  • Building mutually beneficial, partnership relationships with suppliers, because long-term success can not be achieved without successful and reliable business partners
  • Establishment and implementation of sustainable business from the aspect of environmental impact

Futog 10.05.2019.

Danijela Savičić